From Research to Commercial Viability
Our technology licensing specialists are dedicated to helping Princeton researchers navigate the complexities of the technology transfer process.
We work one-on-one with Princeton faculty, researchers and student inventors on the following:
- Disclosure: We work with researchers to appropriately record and describe their ideas and inventions on an invention disclosure form.
- Evaluation: We work with the inventor(s) to explore the potential applications, identify the development pathway, and outline strategies for commercialization.
- Patenting: The OTL evaluates patentability and facilitates interactions between inventors and a qualified patent attorney who has a technology background to enable adequate protection of the invention. We work with the inventor and outside counsel to file the patent according to US patent law and, if warranted, international patent law.
- Licensing: We conduct market research to identify opportunities and we work with inventors to identify potential licensees and negotiate fair licensing terms.
- Compliance: We ensure that technology transfer is done in accordance with federal law.
Inventor’s Guide to Technology Transfer at Princeton
Learn the basics of intellectual property, patents, licensing and the technology transfer process at Princeton.
This guidebook outlines the essential elements of the technology transfer process at Princeton University. It addresses the most common questions typically fielded from our research community, provides a broad overview of the technology transfer process and describes the services available for researchers.
Download PDF | Read the tablet friendly version
For more information or to obtain a hardcopy of the Guide, please visit us at 87 Prospect Avenue.
Resources for Faculty & Researchers
Success Story
In its first decade, Princeton's IP Accelerator Fund supported research that led to the formation of 22 startups.